USD Surf

USD Surf:
Visitors online : 4, Max online : 12, Total Accounts : 117, Total Upgraded : 28, Total Cash Level : $600, Running days : 11, Total Paid Out : $394.64
Earn 19% daily for 7 days 133% ROI Upgrade costs 4$ 2$ Minimum payout 1000 credits bonus for upgraded members 1:1 hit ratio Surf only 7 sites to earn day's ROI 10 seconds timer 10% referral comissions We accept only e-gold Payments made within 24 hours
" is an exclusive new autosurf investement program where you can make up to 133% in only 7 days. We give our members an oppurtunity to earn real money online by viewing other members and our advertisers websites. To earn even more you can promote our website and earn extra 10% of your referral upgrades. Our program is free to join, but you are required to upgrade your account within 10 days to stay in the program. We chose to be a PRO autosurf program ONLY because we want to insure the long term success and sustainability of our program.
Earn 19% daily for 7 days 133% ROI
Upgrade costs 4$
2$ Minimum payout
1000 credits bonus for upgraded members
1:1 hit ratio
Surf 7 sites to earn day's ROI
10 seconds timer
10% referral comissions
We accept only e-gold
Payments made within 24 hours"
Earn 19% daily for 7 days 133% ROI Upgrade costs 4$ 2$ Minimum payout 1000 credits bonus for upgraded members 1:1 hit ratio Surf only 7 sites to earn day's ROI 10 seconds timer 10% referral comissions We accept only e-gold Payments made within 24 hours